
Rules for Packing

  1. Every place is warmer and less windy than Hamburg (except for San Francisco on summer evenings).
  2. Whatever happens: One bag only. No checked luggage ever.
  3. You despise overpacked luggage more than you enjoy the greater flexibility of having more things with you.
  4. Everything made from cloth needs to be in a compartment in your bag, a mesh compartment, army-rolled or velcro-strapped.
  5. If you have to bring a heavy item, it should be the center of your travel wardrobe. It should be wearable every day, especially when in transit.
  6. If there is an occasion that requires a specific outfit or equipment, the rest of your luggage should be organized around that occasion.
  7. Your luggage and all compartments have to be light. No leather, no canvas. Use Xpac, Dyneema and Cordura.
  8. On the move, you will want to wear functional garments (~ light, warm, many pockets) disproportionally. Pack those, pack less of everything else (the ACRONYM® rule).
  9. Heavy and/or chunky footwear is only acceptable when you never have to carry it in your luggage. It needs to be versatile enough to be worn every day.
  10. If, in a fit of radical decision-making, you travel with one pair of shoes only, they need to be perfect in fit and optics.
  11. If you are on the move for more than five consecutive days, bring an electric razor to shave your head.

To be extended.


Dies ist ein Text aus dem August 2017. Verschlagwortet unter: . Kopie aus dem Textdokument 2017.txt, das meine Notizen dieses Jahres enthält, vermischt mit Zitaten, Verweisen, noch zu lesenden und zu sehenden Dingen und den Sedimenten des Alltags.

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