

The inability of the culturally stratified human mind to grasp the freedom and flow of plants, perceiving them not as something that is assigned, cultivated, integrated or repressed, but as entities with agency, with the power to interfere and make decisions within and through human systems and spaces. The future requires deference to other rationales and the willingness to be overgrown, to coexist and mingle, to both exert control at different levels, leaving the concrete behind, metaphorically and physically.

The remnants of dissolving fog, barely visible, but sense-able in a drop of temperature, a ghost, a shiver, a haunted breath, the remains of sculpted time (the sculptural and technological work of Fujiko Nakaya).


Dies ist ein Text aus dem April 2022. Verschlagwortet unter: . Kopie aus dem Textdokument 2022.txt, das meine Notizen dieses Jahres enthält, vermischt mit Zitaten, Verweisen, noch zu lesenden und zu sehenden Dingen und den Sedimenten des Alltags.

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